Customer Center
Termination for Consumers
If you are a consumer and would like to cancel your hosting plan or server, simply send us the following document. Of course, you can also generate a termination via our customer center
Your Name
Your Customer Number
You can find your customer number on all bills, you received from us.
Your Phone Number
Afghanistan +93
Albanien +355
Algerien +213
Amerikanisch-Samoa +1
Amerikanische Jungferninseln +1
Andorra +376
Angola +244
Anguilla +1
Antigua und Barbuda +1
Argentinien +54
Armenien +374
Aruba +297
Ascension +247
Aserbaidschan +994
Australien +61
Bahamas +1
Bahrain +973
Bangladesch +880
Barbados +1
Belarus +375
Belgien +32
Belize +501
Benin +229
Bermuda +1
Bhutan +975
Bolivien +591
Bosnien und Herzegowina +387
Botsuana +267
Brasilien +55
Britische Jungferninseln +1
Britisches Territorium im Indischen Ozean +246
Brunei Darussalam +673
Bulgarien +359
Burkina Faso +226
Burundi +257
Cabo Verde +238
Chile +56
China +86
Cookinseln +682
Costa Rica +506
Curaçao +599
Côte d’Ivoire +225
Deutschland +49
Dominica +1
Dominikanische Republik +1
Dschibuti +253
Dänemark +45
Ecuador +593
El Salvador +503
Eritrea +291
Estland +372
Eswatini +268
Falklandinseln +500
Fidschi +679
Finnland +358
Frankreich +33
Französisch-Guayana +594
Französisch-Polynesien +689
Färöer +298
Gabun +241
Gambia +220
Georgien +995
Ghana +233
Gibraltar +350
Grenada +1
Griechenland +30
Grönland +299
Guadeloupe +590
Guam +1
Guatemala +502
Guernsey +44
Guinea +224
Guinea-Bissau +245
Guyana +592
Haiti +509
Honduras +504
Indien +91
Indonesien +62
Irak +964
Iran +98
Irland +353
Island +354
Isle of Man +44
Israel +972
Italien +39
Jamaika +1
Japan +81
Jemen +967
Jersey +44
Jordanien +962
Kaimaninseln +1
Kambodscha +855
Kamerun +237
Kanada +1
Karibische Niederlande +599
Kasachstan +7
Katar +974
Kenia +254
Kirgisistan +996
Kiribati +686
Kokosinseln +61
Kolumbien +57
Komoren +269
Kongo-Brazzaville +242
Kongo-Kinshasa +243
Kosovo +383
Kroatien +385
Kuba +53
Kuwait +965
Laos +856
Lesotho +266
Lettland +371
Libanon +961
Liberia +231
Libyen +218
Liechtenstein +423
Litauen +370
Luxemburg +352
Madagaskar +261
Malawi +265
Malaysia +60
Malediven +960
Mali +223
Malta +356
Marokko +212
Marshallinseln +692
Martinique +596
Mauretanien +222
Mauritius +230
Mayotte +262
Mexiko +52
Mikronesien +691
Monaco +377
Mongolei +976
Montenegro +382
Montserrat +1
Mosambik +258
Myanmar +95
Namibia +264
Nauru +674
Nepal +977
Neukaledonien +687
Neuseeland +64
Nicaragua +505
Niederlande +31
Niger +227
Nigeria +234
Niue +683
Nordkorea +850
Nordmazedonien +389
Norfolkinsel +672
Norwegen +47
Nördliche Marianen +1
Oman +968
Pakistan +92
Palau +680
Palästinensische Autonomiegebiete +970
Panama +507
Papua-Neuguinea +675
Paraguay +595
Peru +51
Philippinen +63
Polen +48
Portugal +351
Puerto Rico +1
Republik Moldau +373
Ruanda +250
Rumänien +40
Russland +7
Réunion +262
Salomonen +677
Sambia +260
Samoa +685
San Marino +378
Saudi-Arabien +966
Schweden +46
Schweiz +41
Senegal +221
Serbien +381
Seychellen +248
Sierra Leone +232
Simbabwe +263
Singapur +65
Sint Maarten +1
Slowakei +421
Slowenien +386
Somalia +252
Sonderverwaltungsregion Hongkong +852
Sonderverwaltungsregion Macau +853
Spanien +34
Spitzbergen und Jan Mayen +47
Sri Lanka +94
St. Barthélemy +590
St. Helena +290
St. Kitts und Nevis +1
St. Lucia +1
St. Martin +590
St. Pierre und Miquelon +508
St. Vincent und die Grenadinen +1
Sudan +249
Suriname +597
Syrien +963
São Tomé und Príncipe +239
Südafrika +27
Südkorea +82
Südsudan +211
Tadschikistan +992
Taiwan +886
Tansania +255
Thailand +66
Timor-Leste +670
Togo +228
Tokelau +690
Tonga +676
Trinidad und Tobago +1
Tristan da Cunha +290
Tschad +235
Tschechien +420
Tunesien +216
Turkmenistan +993
Turks- und Caicosinseln +1
Tuvalu +688
Türkei +90
Uganda +256
Ukraine +380
Ungarn +36
Uruguay +598
Usbekistan +998
Vanuatu +678
Vatikanstadt +39
Venezuela +58
Vereinigte Arabische Emirate +971
Vereinigte Staaten +1
Vereinigtes Königreich +44
Vietnam +84
Wallis und Futuna +681
Weihnachtsinsel +61
Welt +979
Westsahara +212
Zentralafrikanische Republik +236
Zypern +357
Ägypten +20
Äquatorialguinea +240
Äthiopien +251
Ålandinseln +358
Österreich +43
The contract/hosting you want to cancel
The more precisely you name the contract you want to cancel, the easier it is to assign or verify your termination. Ideally, enter your contract number and the hosting name (e.g. SSD1234).
Your Email address
If possible, please enter the email address that is also stored in your customer data.
Please Confirm..
I hereby confirm that I am a contractual partner for the above tariff under the customer number stated. The hosting tariff is to be terminated as soon as possible.
I am a consumer within the meaning of § 13 BGB (private customer). The tariff was not concluded to exercise my commercial or self-employed professional activity (entrepreneur according to § 14 BGB).
Furthermore, the domain(s) included in the hosting tariff
If you do not want to cancel all domains in the contract, select the custom option.
Be ordered to delete at the end of the current term.
For the change of provider (please send the AUTH code).
Custom (Choose which domain to delete and which to keep).
Send AUTH code
Would you like to send us additional information?
Please Confirm..
I agree that my contact details and assignment will be stored permanently for any queries.
Due to the termination of the hosting tariff, it is no longer possible to access the data stored at AD IT SYSTEMS at the end of the contract. If there is still data in the customer account after the end of the contract, it will be irretrievably deleted.
Submit Data